Mother's Day talk by Earl Thomas McMaster
(no date)
Good afternoon and Happy Mother's Day!
They say the person giving the talk gains the most out of it. But today you are going to be the recipient of a scripture lesson.
Let's read Alma 7:23...."And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times' asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive."
I calculate that about 10-12 minutes of long suffering....
According to the Elder's Quorum, the only ones allowed to sleep during this talk are the babies and members of the High Priest Quorum.
Now on to a more serious note....
(Read Sister Kimball's book?)
My mother died when I was 22 years of age, so I missed out one many things of life, but I still have childhood remembrances.
I remember the tender love and care she gave me when sick or hurt. She nursed me through child0hood diseases-including small pox! (all the brothers had it and their home was quarantined. Dad would brag that not one of them had a scar on their body because of their mother's great nursing skill)
Being the last one in the family of six older brothers, many times I would take to the back side of her for protection.
I have fond memories when Mom backed bread and with this big of a family, it was like twice a week.
When the opportunity was right, I would sneak into the kitchen and cut the heels off of several of the loaves and have hot bread with butter and peanut butter and home made grape jelly--How I can almost smell it now!
I remember wash days-most people had outdoor clothes lines but our family needed two sets.
One day Mom had the lines full of cords, sweatshirts, when a sudden freeze blew into Havre. (MT) So out the door we went and pack the frozen clothes into the house to hang around the stove or in front of the heat resisters to dry.
My dad's job on the Railroad kept him on 4-12 shift and days off on Sunday and Monday, so he missed most of the activities that went on weekdays.
Mom was the parental representation and I can see her now sitting in her balcony seat at the Basketball games watching every move I made! On any other of the activities she was always present.
We did many things together as a family and one was to go to the Bear Pace Mountains south of Havre and spend part of our summer vacation camping. After a day int eh woods a nightly ritual was to check for wood ticks. Mom would check us over very thoroughly before seeing us to bed.
My mother never went on the hunting trips with us, but a box of homemade pastees, sandwiches, hot chocolate and coffee for the oder ones was always ready for us as she saw us on her way.
No matter what time we came home from dates or various activities she would get up and greet me and talk with me about the evening.
I know in my years of growing upI must have caused my mother a lot of grey hairs!
In the year 1945, she was named Great Fall's Mother of the year with 6 of her 7 sons in the Military Service.
I have often reflected on my mom's early death and have concluded the stress from worry of the war years had a big part in it.
One great part I might bring out was even through the hard times,...the depression years, she never went out of the home for employment, but made due what they had and she was home when we needed her.
Like probably all of your mothers, she was there when I needed her love and care only a mother can give.
Some of the list of a self-sacrificing mother are as follows (Page be a daughter?)
Cook, maid, laundry person, mediator/peace maker; phyciatrist sp; nurse/doctor; economist; gardner; and some might be classified as controllers and some back seat drivers!
But only with motherly love intended...(back to book p. 75) But the love of life.....
after P. 77 My mom was not of Mormon faith although she possessed the qualities of a true Latter day Saint, with the only vice being coffee and maybe a spot of tea.
She was always looking for the right religion and in the search she took me with her.
We spent time checked into the presbyterian, Christian Science, Methodist and several other churches.
I have since been privileged to do the temple work for my mother and father and have been sealed to them for time and eternity along with 3 of my deceased brothers.
Read Pres. Hinckley's pamphlet....?
I would like to express my love to my wife, mother of our children. How great she has been! How great great she has been! I would like to thank her for the time she spend being a mother and for the patience and...
May the Lord bless each one of you dear grandmothers, mothers and wives.
In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN